Andreas Riepl

- Head of Competence Center eEducation Austria
- Collaboration/course development at the University of Teacher Education Upper Austria
- Developer of Moodle plugins Exabis ePortfolio, Exabis Competencies, Exabis Student Review, Exabis Games, Dakora+ and diggr+
- Teacher at the BHAK Steyr (website-concept & design by
Curriculum Vitae
2016 - ongoing
Head of Competence Center eEducation Austria
(operational implementation of the digitalization strategy of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research)
2011 - ongoing
Projects at the University of Education Upper Austria
2009 - 2016
Head of eLearningCluster Upper Austria
2008 - ongoing
CEO of GTN GmbH - focus on eLearning, Moodle, WebApps, content management systems, smartphone apps, open source interfaces
2007 - 2017
Consulting for the development of educational standards/competence grids/competence-based performance assessment for bm:b
Consulting for the introduction and development of e-portfolios for the bm:b
e-Cool coordinator nationwide for bm:b (elearning with the method of cooperative, open learning)
2006 - 2017
eCOOL coordinator for Austria
Start of development work on the Exabis ePortfolio module, various projects for bm:b
eCluster site coordinator BHAK Steyr
employee at the COOL impulse center Steyr
lecturer for various educational institutes
2001 - ongoing
Teacher at the BHAK Steyr, focus on business informatics, telecommunications and multimedia,
Workshop and exam to become an ECDL examiner
Institute for Vocational and Adult Education Research at the University of Linz - research activities in the field of adult education research, supervision of the “” product line
Website development for various companies
1997 - 2015
Managing director of the company exabis Activity as a trainer in electronic data processing with a focus on the Internet and Microsoft applications Programmer, Internet consultant
Foundation of Netzdesign/exabis internet solutions, together with Dietmar Angerer
1996 - 1997
Network support for Hydramechanica Corp., Detroit, (Novell/Win95), Access applications, training, homepage programming
1995 - 1997
Several semesters of tutorial work at the Department of Empirical Social Research, Kepler University Linz; training in the statistics package ALMO (General Linear Model), Microsoft products and the Internet
1995 - 1997
Participation (organization and evaluation) in several studies in the field of opinion research (course analysis at the University of Linz, municipal council study for Upper Austria, traffic study, management of the study on corporate culture in various economic areas)
Teaching at the unemployment initiative Oberes Mühlviertel, EU project JULIA (Jugendliche Lernen Innovativ Arbeiten)
1995 - 1996
IT training, including for the entire hospital staff of the Sisters of Mercy in Linz
1989 - 1995
Programming and training at Rosenbauer Int., development of a production planning and control system on dbase/clipper for the Pultendorf branch, staff training
Programming of hospital software on mainframes (vax) and training of hospital staff in the computer area at Systema, Steyr
- 2024: Quality matrix eEducation 2024 Csongrady/Froschauer/Riepl,
- 2024: Digitalization in education - a child's play?, Große/Helm/Obermeier/Postlbauer (ed.), Beltz, ISBN: 978-3-7799-8103-9
- 2020: Accompanying schools in digital change - using the example of eEducation Austria in Handbuch Lernen mit digitalen Medien, Brägger/Rolff, Beltz, ISBN: 978-3-407-83196-5
- 2019: gifted & excellent - Journal for gifted students in education and research, ISSN: 1992-8823
- 2016: Digital tools to support learning processes, with Reinhard Bayer, Lehren & Lernen, Die Leitperspektiven im baden-württembergischen Bildungsplan 2016, Neckar-Verlag, ISSN. 0341-8294
- 2010-2020: Textbook author Trauner - Applied information management, Office 365/business informatics
- 2013: eCOOL - Competence-based teaching in digital media in Digital Learning magazine, neolern GmbH, Berlin
- 2012: ePOP first smartphone tool for ePortfolio work with educational standards in magazine Wissenplus, Manz Verlag
- 2007: Use of ePortfolios in the context of “cooperative open learning” in the journal Erziehung & Unterricht, ISSN: 0014-0325